ever since i was little, i had heard talk of the amazing warehouse that Samaritan's Purse has set up in charlotte to pack their holiday Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for children. i was always too young or too busy to travel to charlotte to volunteer at the warehouse. but now...since i live in charlotte i am so excited to be a part of it. i traveled there recently to take some pictures of the overall atmosphere and i'm going back this evening with my small group from church to participate and actually help pack shoeboxes. while i was given the grande tour on tuesday by a jolly volunteer he told me about all the people that come out to volunteer at the warehouse. people take holiday vacation time from work and travel down to the warehouse to give back to their communities, their international communities. he informed me there was people from as far away as Ohio! he said they come down and spend a few days and volunteer all day throughout their stays here. that is amazing and reminds us all what the christmas spirit is all about!!! this place is an amazing organization and just the size is enough to overwhelm anyone! here are some over-all shots i took tuesday and i'll post more soon from my trip tonight where we'll get up close and personal with some volunteers :)
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